Thursday, June 12, 2008

Baby Steps

June 12

Just a few lines tonight. I have no brain left.

Andrés is doing really well. Baby steps, you know? Last night, much to my surprise when the nurse told me this morning, he actually walked. Yes, you heard it. The man went for a walk a few hours after surgery. Nobody could believe it.

Today he walked quite a bit actually. His nurse gave him a sponge bath, he brushed his teeth, he started munching a few ice chips. Tomorrow he’ll go to his room. I can’t wait. Having to leave him there at night is the worst. That room is so noisy, busy, lights go on and off, new patients arrive and others leave. Today, a Chinese lady came in and was put next to Andrés. Then she defecated and the whole room smelled like poo. It was awful. Soon after, they rushed her back to the OR with internal bleeding. Thank god Andrés didn’t have that problem, but it can happen where they make the new connections. Or they can ooze digestive fluids... anyways... let’s not go there.

I am off to bed. Tomorrow, the line between day and night will cease to exist for me, as is the situation right now for Andrés. None of this awake with the sun and asleep with the moon stuff. Anything goes. I don’t know if I’ll have internet there, so I may not have a blog update tomorrow. But you needn’t worry. All is fine and he is on the fast track to recovery... He’s just a bit frustrated, that’s all.

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